Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Week of School

My life lately has been filled with a lot of "firsts" so my blog will be reflecting that. On my first day of class, which was on Tuesday, I was late to my class so I ended up not going. This set the tone of the rest of my day and I was dreading the whole aspect of school and "higher education". School had felt stifling and extremely restricted. The whole concept of sitting in a classroom, memorizing information just because somebody told me to, it just really didn't settle well with me.

However, when I went back to school today, it was thrilling. The information was riveting, I was thirsting for more, there wasn't enough knowledge to be had. The whole journalism major has caught a hold of me and I am determined to make this mine. I got this in the bag.
Please feel free to look at some of my modeling photos at the bottom, it's just a sampling.